Friday, January 30, 2009

Latest news

Remington has had a pretty good week all things considered. He went in to the hospital on Tuesday for a blood transfusion because his levels were so low. While we were there, Remi started to get a low grade fever. He had to spend the night in the hospital getting IV antibiotics and fluids. The hospital let him come home on Wednesday. He was able to go to the Reid School and see his little sister perform in the school talent show. Samara was very excited that her big brother could come watch her dance. She was so cute at the show! Remi's counts are still low but, he is doing very well right now. He has a few sores in his mouth and is pretty tired during the day. He is keeping his chin up though. His feeding tube has been removed so it is very important that he eats every day. That is his battle right now, eat even if it doesn't feel good or taste good. The doctor will put the feeding tube back in if he doesn't keep his weight up. He knows it is sink or swim now. We'll update every one when the next event occurs. God bless you all.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Remi's next treatment

Remington now has his port-a-cath and is getting his medicine through that. He no longer has the central line in his right bicep. The home health nurse came by this morning and took a blood sample for his labs. He is now at his lowest point. His white blood cell count is now zero. He will be going into the hospital in the morning for a blood transfusion to help get his counts back up quicker. He was pretty nervous about getting his port-a-cath accessed this morning but, they put some numbing cream on the access site and he didn't feel a thing when the needle went in. He was still pretty upset when he saw the access needle though. He has not had any mouth sores or major nausea yet. We are hoping it will stay that way! Remington will now have about 2 weeks to recover before he is scheduled to start the next round of chemo. Remington says to tell all of you thank you for your thoughts and prayers over the past few months. He also says thanks to all his friends at Reid school for the cool artwork and notes. He is hoping to be able to come to the talent show on Thursday and see everyone perform.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The next round

Remington has made it into the hospital today. He now has a porta-cath on his chest under the skin. He was not very happy when he woke up from surgery. The doctor is waiting on Remington's blood chemistry to make sure everything is ok before they start the next round of chemo therapy. If everything is safe he will start this afternoon with his first dose. This round will last for 48 hours. Remington says to tell everyone hello and thank you.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Not quite ready

We have just received the results from Remington's last labs. His platelets are still too low to start the next round of chemo. That means on Monday he will have some more blood drawn and sent to the lab for testing. If his numbers are good he will start on Tuesday morning. If not, we still wait. I finally have a copy of Remi's chest x-rays from the last of November as well as the 4th of January. The difference between then and now is quite amazing! Check it out for yourself. We just hope it keeps up this rate of shrinking.

Monday, January 12, 2009

A very good week

Hello everyone, we hope you had an excellent weekend. As the title states, Remington has had an excellent week. Last Friday he was able to visit his school at lunch and see all of his friends and teachers. He had a blast while there. The only down side was that he was pretty tired after his visit. Remington was scheduled to start his next round of chemo-therapy today but........ his blood work came back and he is not ready for the next round. His white blood counts are fine, it is his platelet counts that are low.(these are the cells that cause the blood to clot and stop you from bleeding when you get a cut) They are going to take some more blood on Wednesday and we'll see where his levels are then. If they are high enough, he will start later this week. We will keep you posted on any changes. Thank you for every positive thought and prayer for Remington.It has made all of the difference in the world. We also appreciate everyone's assistance with Remington's medical fund at Mtn. America Credit Union. It is very generous and kind of you to help out during this time.

The Jackson's

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Back in the Hospital

Last night Remington decided he had been home long enough. He spiked a fever of 101.9, threw up and has been having stomach cramps. We made the trip back up to Primary Children's Hospital about 1:30 this morning. He is now back up on the 4th floor in room 4419. His ANC is 0 and his white blood cell count is 100. When they are this low, the hospital assumes the worst and gave him two different broad spectrum antibiotics as well as a liter of saline. Because his counts are so low, he will have no other reaction to infection other than fever. It is the only defense his body has right now. Remi is doing well this morning, his fever broke last night but he is still having the abdominal cramps. The blood cultures will take at least 24 hours to be completed, so Remi and I will be spending the night here at the hospital. Hopefully the tests will come back negative and he can come home sometime Monday. We will update when we know what is happening.