Monday, March 23, 2009

Tumor Reduction & The Plan

Remington had a X ray of his chest performed with this round of chemotherapy. The tumor has shrunk another 50%. The tumor now covers 5 ribs instead of 8 ribs. Hey! The doctors have told us after the next round of chemotherapy he will have a CT scan. The doctors will be able to use the CT scan to measure the size of the tumor. Remington case then will be discussed will the members of the Tumor Board and a surgery date should be given. The doctors have lowered the medication dosage with his last chemotherapy round in hopes that we can start his next chemotherapy on March 30th the day before his 10th birthday.
We want to thank all of Reid School for the celebrating Remington birthday and Olive Garden for donating the food. Reid school raised $705.00 to pay for his treatments. Remington loved seeing all of the students wearing their clothing on backwards to help celebrate his birthday. We can't thank you all enough for the support it gives us. We have the courage, the confidence and a can do attitude to see this all the way.
We love you lots,
The Jackson Family

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Waiting for the next round

Labs were drawn earlier this week and Remington's platelets are still down around 31. To start the next round of chemo therapy he needs to be at 75. His home health nurse will be coming by tomorrow morning to draw another set of labs. If his numbers are up high enough, Remi will start on Monday morning. That is the hope right now. If he is delayed too much longer, Remington will not be able to go to his own birthday party. We are planning on having it at Bouncing off the walls. Unfortunately, he will be at the bottom of his cycle on his birthday if he goes past next Wednesday before he starts. He could go, but he would have to wear a mask and could not play on the slides with his friends. That would really suck! well, let's keep our fingers crossed.........

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Remi's first trip

We have made some progress with getting Remington and the family back on something closer to a "normal" life. We took a road trip down to Sedona Arizona to see Remington and Samara's Great-Grandmother for her 93rd birthday. Remi had labs drawn Thursday morning and we hit the road soon after that. We received a call from Primary Children's that afternoon when we were in sothern Utah right around Panguich. his platelets were very low and they wanted us to come in and get a transfusion. Obviously we could not go to Primary, so they scheduled the transfusion with the hospital in St. George. The family then diverted across the bottom of Utah over to St. George and found the hospital. They were waiting for us and completed his transfusion in about an hour and a half! Thank you James! We then continued our trip to Sedona, spending the night in Paige Arizona. The kids had a wonderful time in Sedona seeing their Great-Grandmother. She loved seeing us as well. The trip back to Salt Lake City was pretty uneventful and long. On the way we say the Grand Canyon as well as some old indian dwellings. Remington and Sam really liked that. Now it is back to the treatment routine and lab work. Remi is not too thrilled about that, but what can you do?